GUATEMALA - Student Support

About GUATEMALA - Student Support

Nebaj Education:
This new effort is growing larger in Nebaj! Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the home school in Nebaj will have to hire more teacher. Students have been learning at home by teachers and teacher assistants! The school in Nebaj has expanded to 11 students and operating remotely for the entire year (until December). Due to the needed restructuring, more teaching assistants needed to be hired. In addition, electronic equipment is urgently needed! Support is needed and these funds will go directly to education costs in Nebaj.

Huehuetenango Education:
MVC has been working with Gilberto and Ruth Noriega for over 20 years. Sponsorships are still needed for the Christian schools in the Huehuetenango area. We need 12 sponsors at $35 per month to help meet an immediate need for a school. Through this classroom sponsorship,, a child’s tuition is covered, along with a uniform and needed supplies! Change a life - sponsor a class!

Thank you for your support.